Sunday, 4 May 2014

Personal Development • SportsFive

I was offered a live brief through the University to work with the advertisement company, SportsFive, and take photographs on match days of their digital advertisements in use when the players were on the pitch. I took the opportunity because I had never been given the experience of photographing a sport before, and thought it would be beneficial to my portfolio to show to potential employers and clients after my degree has ended.

Although it was an amazing experience, working with a client that had such a big customer base meant that when I had a problem on an assignment, they were difficult to get ahold of so they could resolve the issue. I cannot fault the staff at SportsFive, they were incredibly helpful with sorting out the transport and logistics of each match. However, football is not my cup of tea on the best of days, and I will definitely not be pursuing a career nor hobby in sport photography!

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